
By heraldino

Glow IX

Bad Irritating news: - You have got to be kidding me

Nebraska has never struck me as a state stuck in the dark ages so this is a bit surprising. While I am not a fan of abortion, I recognise the importance of it remaining legal and I support the fact that every woman has to make her own decision. How can you even consider passing a law that makes it legal for right wing idiots to take the life of an abortion doctor? So let me get this straight, Nebraska; being the ever-so-slightly Bible banging, hick state that you are, you somehow have found a disconnect between plain old murder and the murder of someone that you deem a baby-killer? What the f**k are they putting in the tap water over there?

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Good-but-I-don't really-care news: - Exciting!!! Not

While I wouldn't waste my time or money running out to buy this 'wondrous' tablet, I still feel a slight happiness at the thought that the iPad may finally have a rival. Hey, I like a good corporate battle, what can I say.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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