Clark Tales

By cclark

Shoes songs and snuggled

After a long day at work it was time to give Freddie and Velma Mummy and Daddy a night off. Heather and Steven went on a last date before Olivia becomes a big sister.

Here's a shot of Olivia trying on my new shoes, a tad too big but Olivia comes from tall genes and no doubt it won't be long before She's in a size 6!

We watched Hercules, played 'football', built a castle, sang songs and broke the rules with a duvet on the sofa. Olivia's currently going through a phase of referring to ppl as Scooby Doo characters hence the earlier strike through...

Me: I love you lots and lots.
Olivia: I know, I love you too shaggy.

Good night, even if I was Knackered from it!

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