Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

You really should be

It's Friday night. All original plans got slightly blown out the water when My Lovely Husband was invited out for a Very Important Dinner that involved a couple of celebs. Trust me, when you spend your time in the world of insurance, this is not something you turn down.

So, instead I ordered Chinese takeout for my eldest son and I from a new place that has opened up. It came in this cheery bag, and I should have known the minute I saw it that the food would be, errrrrmmmmmm, CRAP!

In other news, Rocco (the 11 week old bulldog) got headhunted whilst I walked him in town. Can't go into details, but as soon as all is signed, sealed and delivered, be sure you will be the fiftieth first to know!

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