Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Soakin' in the Suds

Last night I was going to go out shopping with mom, but then the weather turned nasty. Listening to the rain and the wind howling outside. I decided a late night bubble bath sounded amazing, so took a shower to wash my hair and filled up the tub afterwards with bubbles. Since I had taken a shower there were water droplets everywhere, and in the light from the candles I thought it looked pretty neat. Left a few little wet foot prints to my room, to get my camera and jumped back in the hot water ;p My inspiration comes at the weirdest times :P

If you didn't catch it, this was taken last night but after midnight. I was in the tub for a long time :P

Later today (and after a nightmare filled 6 hours) I got my haircut, then went in to mom's school again to try and get more done. Didn't really have too much to do, so afterwards packed up and went home early. Hopefully mom and I will being going out tonight, as long as the weather permits.

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