Day 6 - Castleton and Shatton Moor

A leisurely morning then out to chilly misty Castleton. Enjoyed a mooch around the small museum and visitor centre and then the shops, G buying some Blue John Stone earrings as a souvenir of her holiday and us a 'walker' fridge magnet... J also bought a homemade Bakewell tart to take to work from a traditional bakery cum tea room. Had baguettes for lunch sat next to a log fire at Ye Olde Nag's Head pub on the high street. The ladies' loos were fabulous affairs with floral porcelain toilets and basins [J informs me...] Took a last peek at scenic Cave Dale before driving back to Hope to drop G off at the station to catch her train home via Manchester.

We then carried on to Shatton for a last walk up around the moor. A short walk through the picturesque hamlet, crossing a farm yard then up a steep rocky lane. The sun finally came out, burning away the clouds and we got quite hot by the time we reached the top of Over Dale. The views down to Hope and back towards Ladybower were glorious - we've been spoiled this week. We followed the watershed for a short while, enjoying the curious glances of both white and black pregnant sheep and listening to yet more squawking grouse in the heather. Past a transmitter we followed the track round to begin our descent back to Shatton.

6 miles, 2 3/4 hours.

Took a short detour to the Traveller's Rest pub for a pint (we found £5 on the footpath earlier!) to round off a restorative week before heading back to the cottage as the sun set.

One last game of Scrabble - J wins again [by one bloody point, and after using all my letters in the first go - grrrr.... S]

Words by J

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