
By yealmsnapper

Devon wit

A sign spotted along a narrow road during my walk with Ruby this afternoon - amended from the original by some wag.

It reminded me of that scene in the film Carry On Camping. Sid and Bernie have just arrived at a holiday camp which they believe (wrongly, as it later transpires) is a nudist colony. They glance at the entrance sign, which is in the process of being erected. 'asses must be shown', it states. Sid and Bernie eye each other knowingly, full of excitement at being able to spend their holiday in the company of young naked females.

'Where's the owner,' asks Sid of a lad standing nearby.

'Gone for a pee,' replies the young chap, as bold as you like.

Before long, the owner (Mr Fiddler) arrives, with a letter 'P' in his hand, which he then proceeds to affix to the sign . . . 'Passes must be shown'.

And to think that some people prefer Francois Truffaut.

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