Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley


I'm sure there are times when we all get 'stuff' in our shot that we'd love to photoshop out. You might be expecting me to suggest that's what I would choose to do with this shot. Well, I could, but in truth I think it would be even better if the cars could be banned from this street in Bolton.

I love the crescent shaped buildings alongside the original stone paving and cobbled road, it exudes an air of history. I always feel its such an atmospheric place with the museum at the end of the row and huge stone buildings across the road. But* sadly, for now at least the cars are here to stay but if I continue looking along the row through half open eyes and using a good dollop of imagination I can still transport myself back in time. 

*I seem to be increasingly using the word 'But' at the start of a sentence- what's the world coming to?!!! I wonder what's a worse grammatical crime, inventing my own words (which rebelliously, I rather enjoy) or the But...?

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