A single sailing event

Sleepover as expected last night, couild not be bothered getting dressed at 1.00am to tel them to get to sleep.

Up early and the house was quiet. Took Juno out for a long walk, we met loads of dogs ansd people, this daylight in the morning is bringing them out.

I forgot my keys so rung the bell to wake the house. On a mission to drop home preserves at Earthy, second in with the jellies and book not arrived.

Took Eco son out to get some shoes and them back to Earthy nothing happening.

Off to the allotment, garlic is doing superb, dug over a plot and planted broad beans and dug out a fruit tree and planted it on some communal ground to stop dumping in the area.

back to earthy to see how the tasting was going and what others had made, still no books so postponed to next Saturday. Met MAIT and her pal who had also come to the tasting, good chat and catch up.

Various children up for dinner, Eco son announced that his tea tasted like it had been cooked in dettol. Fantastic his pals tucked in and had seconds, child swap is on the cards.

Quiet nigh tin watching rugby with Gaelic commentary followed by a game with Welsh commentary.

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