Thorntons Digital

By thorntonsdigita

Lincoln 9am

I had a fantastic night at the Ladies Acoustic Night where I was shooting last night, but I didn't roll into bed until after 1am. After being out in the rain most of the day it bought on my arthritic knees and was in agony so it was out with the deep heat. When I woke up this morning it felt like the morning after the night before despite only drinking lemonade. I knew I needed to get out in the garden this afternoon so took my canon sx10is took a few snap shots after a morning after the night before breakfast at McDonalds and then church which was total agony when you are half asleep and your knees are kiiling you.

Back in the garden before getting ready to go and see 'The Levellers' and 'The Wonderstuff'

This is Lincoln at 9am not a soul in sight, even the bin men were having their breakfast at McDonalds

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