Faux Dave

Racing Nuns. Mr Nut thought they might be Daves but alas, no. Another crappy shot and it should have been a nice one cos we popped by Jez'z to see his (and Sams) the new model Austen, Baby Beatrice. And what a beauty she is! She doesn't look at all like an ape, so that must be Sam's good genes..and I forgot my effing memory card. SOOOO annoying I bought another when I got home :(

Mr Nut was quick and efficient in his investigations of their new house... he disappeared upstairs and returned with some loose change and a red helium balloon. Then he had some of their biscuits and tried to feed the baby some. Then unky Ed and Becky came along and Mr Nut forced him to play the guitar so he could jam along with some bongos.

In the car home, when no one could here him, he decided to say his goodbyes. So for the record here they are:

'Bye-bye Jez*'
'Bye-bye Biscuits'
'Bye bye baby'
Bye-bye Ed*'

(*my attempts to prefix the Austens Names with UNKY is failing. DAMN)

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