
By buzzcocksfan

Kitchen Windowsill No.4.

OK, so it's the same cacti as the one three days ago. But, it's a sad day. The last G9 blip. My G9 has been returned for a refund. It turned out to be an absolutely brilliant camera when you can control the light or when conditions outside are overcast. Incredibly sharp close ups. But, it suffered from unacceptable (in my opinion) levels of flare when the sun occassionally appeared. Even when the sun was not in frame. So now I have to wait up to 30 days for Amazon to refund my money.
So, do I try another G9 or do I go back and try another Ricoh GX100 (I returned one of these a couple of weeks ago because of its hot pixels).
Maybe I'm just too fussy but when I pay a lot for a quality camera I want quality.

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