Club 107

By club107

It's coming to get you Barbara ....

There have been worrying things for sure in Edinburgh South Central. Things that go bump in the night, mysterious parallel metallic lines on the streets of our fine city's highways, countless holes in the same streets, what have caused these occurences I do not know, but the most worrying of all must surely be, THE FOAM. It starts as a small collection of bubbles then it can ttake you over, its unrelenting progression to take over, swallowing everything in its path, it started unnoticed and now we have a new panic on our hands.

The sleepover last night spilled into our garden as can be seen from the photo today. So the girls had a bit of a bath time party this am, lots of foam involved.

It would be no exaggeration to say that I have very rarely spent so much time in one day cooking or in the kitchen. Sometimes I do lose myself in a spate of cooking but today I wanted to try and get a bit of a head start for the week with the wee man and also to cater for our two guests.

A true photo representing what I did would have involved a kitchen, but there oyu go. And we even got to see three exhibitions this afternoon. All very interesting, one in Stills, unsuitable we were advised for some children.

'Can we go and have a look?' asked child 2.

'Well do you want to see a man having his bottom fondled' replied Madame.

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