...In Wonderland Syndrome

By dokidoki

A New Hope.....

This weekend has been very much one for mulling over my life at present. Work has been getting me down, relationship status is very single (ie boring!) and I miss my friends.
Today was great, I drove down from Aberdeen at about half 8 in the morning (I'm never one to sleep in!) and myself and David went to Chinaski's for lunch where I had the most amazing(ly expensive) breakfast and discovered this beautiful poem (in the loo!) 'answer to a note on the dresser' (however, I can't find it online)..so I shall input this quote instead

What matters most is how well you walk through the fire

Saw Black Swan with Rhiannon, the atmosphere hit a little too close to home...and I very weirdly cut my thumb when I got home and watched the underneath of my nail fill up with dark red blood. Going to bed feeling a bit odd, to say the least.

(Oh and the books were a result of about an hour in Waterstone's trying to find some kind of literature to 'fix' my current state, the alchemist was out of stock) :p

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