Thistle Down

By Ethel

Treasure Chest

An old man had a treasure chest,
And then...he died.
So many things he had kept,
When others looked inside.

A porous rock was there among,
It could not speak.
And many picked it up to look,
Inquiringly to seek.

So quietly it had lain for years,
Its meaning had been hid.
It could of been...a memory,
When he was just a kid.

To know the story of it,
And from where it had been sent.
Why it was cradled in the folds,
I would of been content.

If I could only of known of it,
And with others could confide.
But never could we break the seal,
For the old-man now...had died.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

RKM collection; brown rock in back from top of Matterhorn, brown flat rock from Qumran, light jade gift from 90 year old Guatemalan woman, porous white stone mortar from pyramid in the old City of Bountiful (Mexico). Treasure chest gift from son from Russia.

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