Getting out

The sun made an appearance today, so that meant the boys and I could get outside for a little while. My youngest is still coughing a little but definitely feeling much better.

We took a short drive South from our home to an area I haven't been to before. I had packed a picnic lunch complete with peanut butter sandwiches and coconut cookies. We were just North of Shore Acres State Park. I've often wondered what was down a certain path, so today was the day to find out.

It was a beautiful little lagoon. The boys and I spotted Steven Michael's secret waterfall. I didn't actually realize it was the correct one until I got back home to process my images. It's the little swirly pool to the right that gives it away.

We crossed the stream and then headed over to sit in the sun and enjoy our lunch. I managed a few shots, but was quickly interrupted when my daredevil 3 year old fell off a log. He has zero fear. It really scares me sometimes. He's just fine with only a bump above his lip, but my heart feels like it'll explode (add to that my 5 year old falling down the stairs earlier today).

My husband picked this image after a long debate about the other ones from today. The jury is still out for me.

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