Well I realised how spoilt I am this morning, having had to find my way to the location of an external training course. My usual commute takes 5 minutes if I'm being lazy, 10 minutes on the bike, or 25 minutes by foot, but today it took me well over an hour to do the 7 or 8 miles across town to a business complex, for day one of intermediate Excel. An IT course after a heavy weekend was not filling me with excitement it has to be said, but I was keen to learn about it properly, as I've been relying on trial and error methods lately. I struggled (as did the other delegates)with whatever it is we did immediately after lunch, which is never an easy time for a trainer to engage their audience! I'm trying to remember what it was exactly we were trying to do, but it was certainly formula-based...

And since I've been home, I've been sorting photos and back-blipping. A productive evening then!

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