A long way down the road.
I remember telling my then girlfriend how I was in denial that I was soon going to be 30 and that I wanted to remain in my 20s. She rightly said that my 30s would be the best part of my life and not to be so silly. She was right - as far as inferring that each decade in your life is great for different reasons. One thing she didn't tell me was how the years speed up exponentially: my 30s whizzed past in a blur. I have a theory and that is that each year you live becomes a smaller fraction of your life and so is perceived to last a relatively shorter time. But that should mean that the curve of perceived speediness flattens off as the change in each year as a percentage of life lived becomes a smaller increment.
On the other hand I could be talking complete b****x...
On reflection I think this is the case.
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