After the sun has set
A dark morning did not entice me out for a run. I figured I had plenty of time this afternoon with a cancellation. Then an emergency referral filled the time. So my daily run was short and squeezed in. Took some nice shots from under the trees in the park and under a bridge, to meet the weekly challenge.
Left on my own when the literary S went to a book launch; sat on the deck with a glass of red, and some crackers and cheese, to relax, and was confronted by a most splendid sunset. I got the camera, both my lenses and the tripod and took a couple of dozen shots of the sunset over almost a half hour, by which time the moon had become noticeable as a bright crescent. Wine and cheese were forgotten as I continued to look for THE image and eventually (just over a half hour after the first shot of the moon) I got this photograph.
I could have picked one of the half dozen or so before, or the one after, which was much darker, almost brooding. I like this one best because of the strong presence of the clouds, the city lights, and the image of the whole moon and its surface being visible.
On day two I have abandoned the drive for meeting the challenge "underneath" every day this week. This was just too good to not post.
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