Every Little Step

By moonfairy

International Women's Day 2011 - The Domino Effect

I decided I should go out today. So I took myself off to the Local Arts Centre.
What a mistake that was, usually it is very quiet there, I thought I could have a nice wander around the grounds and the centre without a problem.

After a half hour drive I get there and I couldn't even park the car, but I thought I've come all this way, so eventually I managed to park in the street, and had a bit of a walk.

I could hear music, a piano and a singer, there must be something going on.

And there was, it was a fundraiser for the Leukemia Foundation, and they seemed to be having a brunch on the outside of the entrance to the centre. Not as strange as it sounds it's quite a big area.

But apart from that, there was also, a performance for a pipes and drums display at 11am going on in the theatre of the centre, so all those people were arriving too.

The 2 cinemas were opening, so patrons were getting ready to go in there as well.

Plus there was an art exhibition and a photographic exhibition too.

I went around the photographic exhibition, which apparently is touring the country. I was the only person in there. I'm not surprised it wasn't very interesting. It was mostly old journalistic stuff, from an historical perspective it might be good, but apart from that it was pretty boring.

I also had a look around the art exhibition, that was much more intersting. I took a photo of a quilt, a basket made by an aboriginal woman, an outfit consisting of a dress and some underwear made completely of hair and the domino photo. All made by women.

The domino exhibit was made by a women called Wendy Schoenfisch-Young, she was born in Gladstone, Qld in 1974, and she made The Domino Effect in 1999.

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