A tame longing without any particular object

I sat at my desk all day. Typing words for most of it. A big long stream of words, one after the other, loosely connected into sentences and paragraphs, which I'll probably have to rewrite before I'm done. Apart from a big long walk, which blew off the cobwebs for a while. I was trying to buy a case for my computer but no one wanted to sell me anything other than horrible things made of neoprene. I suppose it would be warm if it ever went snorkelling. So that was the end of shops. The internet worked so some people in America are sending me one instead.

I almost fell asleep at my desk.

I took some more photos in a lane but I'm tired of lanes. I thought this morning that I was maybe turning into a photographic cockroach, scurrying out of the light. I wanted to take a photo of something bright and sunny. This was bright and sunny and modern. I was almost tempted to keep the hat of the person with the headphones in its original orange. That would have been going too far. But I like the optical illusion that even though the verticals are all vertical it actually looks like they are diverging.

I fell asleep on the train but I didn't dribble and as far as I know I didn't snore.

Blockbuster are sending me a film about Joe Strummer, which might be good.

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