In Tru Life

By TruLife

I Got A New Lens!!

Toddler group today and this afternoon Maddy had a new friend for tea! Apparently they are BFFs and Maddy's friend bought them necklaces to prove this point! Sweet, I hope it lasts! At this age, it's not guaranteed!

I got a new lens today and have been playing with it all day...

The Yawn Challenge.. will you?



Oh those kissy lips!

Trying out my new lens while baby slept!

Amazed at the light this new lens captures indoors!

Baby Book Entry...
Floriana has learned to count to 3 and this is mainly because counting to 3 is my main parenting technique with Maddy, so she hears this a lot! She now says "Toooo" after I say 1. But once I've counted a couple of times she says, "Un, Tooo, Thee". Then tonight, she wanted down from the changing mat so said, "Un, toooo, thee, pease!" as she is now able to say (and sign) please. She also sings and gets tunes right. I am hoping this means she A. Doesn't have my sequencing problems, and B. Doesn't have a hearing problem like me! She also signs banana when I show her one and when she wants one, says "Aaaaaul uuuuuuuun!" for all done and signs that roughly too. She can say mum, mamma, dadda, mammy (for Maddy) Hiiiiiiiiii, Bubye, woof, baby and still babbles cutely with lots of rising and falling intonation. She also likes to walk.... everywhere.... all the time... and not stop or be stopped. She likes to carry socks round her neck like a scarf (particularly wet ones from the washing pile), heavy bottles (plastic of course) and objects but particularly my plastic drinking bottle and LOVES going in and out of doors.

Edit: Floriana also said "airsfowi?" while hiding her face and then popped out said "airsheis!" today! And when Maddy's hiding she says "airshegoh?" and "airsheis!" when she finds her!

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