
By Amalarian


Sorry to change but I just couldn't stand the kitchen sink pic. I have reversed them. It can still be seen should anybody be foolish enough to look.

This picture is the lichen and plant life growing on the tiles on the kitchen porch. It's not very exciting, either, but at least it is not plastic. I will have to find another "underneath" pic for the challenge. I have to dog sit my sick dog today and can't get out.

The kitchen sink pic is here. Under the kitchen sink.

A few days ago I did Over the Kitchen Sink, and this is for the challenge, "underneath." It's not a pretty sight. I don't like to photograph anything plastic and this is a positive sea of it. It's going to take courage to upload it. I didn't move anything. It's the only orderly cupboard in the house.

I can't go out today because Cloud is sick and feeling worried and clingy. This pic was taken over her back as a matter of fact. A lot of this stuff was needed to clear up the messes this morning.

Apart from a few special things for terracotta floors, it's just a housewife's armoury against dirt and grease.

For the record: + 2 C. Sunny. Humidity 57%. Himself went off and bought olive oil bottles on his own. Now to take them and the oil to a licensed bottler, then stick on labels and transport to a deli in town.

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