What Eye Spy

By Snappybiatch

Foxes don't like Pixies.....

.... I know this because I saw one up close the other day when I was in my car but when I opened the window to blip him he scarpered rather sharpish probably due to the fact that I tend to have my CD player on rather loud (deafening mode the menfolks in the family tell me) and the Pixies are not the quietest of bands in the first place. Mr Frank Black is a bit of a screamer to say the least.

In my haste I had not given that a thought...... sigh....

However this morning this cheeky wee chap was miles away but Juan (my camera) had the chance to use his wonderful zoom for the first time to capture this admittedly not very great shot. However I am chuffed with it - isn't he cheeky just sitting there waiting - he scarpered as soon as I had taken the shot like a right little poser.

An appropriate poem :)

The Fox

I met a sleek and wily fox
He sat upon a carved blue box
Dressed in a vest of deepest rose
Velvet britches and scarlet hose

I met him once upon a dream
A smarter fox I'd never seen
His calfskin shoes had pointed toes
Trimmed with silver buckles and bows

He watched me with sly yellow eyes
And it came to me as no surprise
When smiling he began to talk
As he slowly tapped the carved blue box

He said there was a treasure kept
Inside the box and then he wept
Behind the tears I saw his smile
And knew his tears were crocodile

His smile showed teeth both sharp and white
As he told me of his sorry plight
And as I listened to his lies
He promised me a handsome prize

I knew that he just wanted me
Inside the box to have for tea
Later in a lovely pie
But I was not fooled, no, not I

I looked into the box and when
He tried to push me in, t'was then
I sidestepped him and so he fell
Into the box with a sharp yell

I met a dapper Jellico cat
And he admired my fine fox hat
Sleek and smart the fox may be
Alas for him, not as smart as me

Carole Bone
July 2008

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