Tempora mutantur ...


Very dangerous guys

The pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) is a major pest to pine forests in southern Europe. It builds nests in pine trees that look like big cotton buds. When the caterpillars are ready in spring they march out of the nest in single file to feed.

Don´t ever touch these with your hands as the hairs on their bodies can cause extreme irritation to the skin, they have a burning, even necrotic effect that virtually eats the flesh away and also cause bad allergies and asthma. So keep your hands off as well as your pet!!!

The French entomologist Jean-Henri Fabre (1823-1915) carried out some interesting experiments with these caterpillars in order to find out if they go in single file by instinct. Even today still a fascinating read.

Another sign of spring, but we could do without them.

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