
By Poppy

Be Careful What You Wish For . . . .

Having been promised snow for the last few days, this morning there it was - deep and crisp and even! The cats weren't too impressed, neither were the hens, nor Mr P, who decided to stay in bed, but Ollie and I have had a great time!

I lit the fire and got it roaring away, just in case the power went off, as it tends to do whenever there is much snow or frost up here. then put a casserole in the oven so that the kitchen was nice and warm too.

It is so still and peaceful after days of storms and gales and the constant noise of the wind. I decided I must get outside and make the most of the snow and the light so set off on foot to go and check the ponies. Their winter grazing and shelter is about 2.5 miles away, and it took me 2.5 hours to get there and back! There were a few families about with dogs, children and their sledges, so it was a very sociable walk.

The ponies were so pleased to see me and came galloping over, kicking up flurries of snow, having a whale of a time! They look happy and content, with a new round bale of good straw in their shed and I gave them a couple of bales of hay to keep them going.

By the time we got back Ollie and I were both pretty shattered. His legs were covered in snow balls - I don't know how dogs in Alaska manage - will have to check with Scintilla. Anyway, I got them off Ollie's legs with a hairdryer! He's now flaked out in front of the fire and I'm off to join him!

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