Orion - from the waist down
So I went outside to capture the ISS passing by - just like a couple of days ago - except Discovery has gone home now. For some reason I didn't see it, despite double checking the times and looking in the right direction I think.
Anyway - I passed the time by taking a picture of the lower half of Orion - which the ISS should have passed through, but didn't. It wasn't that dark at the time - but dark enough just to see the brightest of stars - and Jupiter. So I should have seen it... I think they must be hiding!
I'd only nipped out of a minute - so hadn't bothered with a coat. So convincing myself any minute now I stayed out until I was cold!
I'm spending the nights with the stars next week, so I'd better wrap up warmer!
- 0
- 0
- 2
- f/1.8
- 50mm
- 200
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