365 Days of Nonsense

By evp365

Well, for a little while it was nice outside so I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air, clear my head, and of course get some pictures. Those pictures turned out to be disappointments, but the walk was still fruitful. It put me back into a good mood and I got the mail. I also saw a black and brown caterpillar, which I have always been told is an indication of spring. You can just feel it all around. Even though spring is officially still a little more than a week away, I believe it is already here. After finding my pictures to be sub-par I looked for things in my house to capture via camera. My hamster looked very adorable, but he wouldn't hold still. Anyway, I took a bunch of really nice pictures and I decided on this one of my chandelier. There is a bit, okay a lot, of editing done to it. For starters, it was early afternoon when I took this, the computer made it dark like it is. I enhanced the lights a little to make them brighter. That was all though. So it doesn't actually look like the original picture, oh well! I like it and I hope you, my viewer if there are any, do as well!

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