A Tribute to Life.

By suzannesimons


"So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."
Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)

I had an interesting discussion tonight with Fabio on the table. well, for how much possible with 3 children.

I told him, that I do understand the words of my mother much better today than 25 years ago, when she told me to not bring any boyfriend at home.
She just told me cold, that I was too young, to understand what true love is, and that better for me was going to see the world, having some good experience which would make me strong for later when true love was an issue.

Poehhhhh, that's no fun ......

Today, I think, I will try to say the same kind of words to my children......

I'm a little bit confused about my point of view in the discussion about marriage, freedom and happiness.

I just told Fabio, that the experience of marriage and everything we are sharing since 1995, is a unique experience and like a " mantra " you can't break.
You never know what life brings you, but for me , I tried to explain, if the Mantra would be broken, for a reason or another, I never ever will start a new one of this kind.

Don't understand me wrong, I have absolutely no regrets , but...

Only true love and respect towards partner and children will make you strong to win the race of a marriage, which if you want to succeed, is bases on a unselfish attitude, away from a natural complete personal freedom.

That's hard work, much more difficult as I thought, not as written in that bouquet love roman, my mother knew, I know now as well, and that's why I think, regarding to my children...
take your time and breathe!

"From time immemorial, man has been preoccupied with the pursuit of happiness in life, from the cradle to the grave. He works and struggles very hard to attain happiness, very often without knowing exactly what happiness means because of his ignorance of the nature of life."

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