
By FauxPunk

Takin' the pee!

OK, so I know I've blipped on this subject before, but the caffee opposite (and up a bit from) our front door is really taking the pee now. Their completely ridiculous and pointless tree-bush-thingy has been brought inside the arcade again as usual, but tonight it's completely obscuring the box that houses the exit-button.

If we didn't know it was there, we'd have to waste time looking... valuable time that couldn't be spared in a fire. Grrrrrr!

Apart from that, today was a good day. Package arrived from Amazon - Scott Kelby's Digital Photography boxed set... here's hoping it's useful, and not a wasted investment.

And then the real treat - Dave & Daniel arrived for a visit from Portsmouth. The only pic I got was an out of focus one of Daniel eating, which I think would've earned me a kick in the boy-parts. So I've saved it in case blackmail is ever required.

Was really nice to see them again, a grand way to spend a hard-earned day off :-D

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