If You Could See Me Now



I know this is pretty icky...

Me and Nick cleaned out his dad's pantry today.

Nick had done an initial clean after the earthquake but there was a horrid smell because there were still broken eggs in the pantry.

There was also glass in every shelf.

Nick cut his finger and was cleaning it.. hence blip.

His idea btw, the photo taking and all.

I had a shirt tired round my face it smelt so bad!

Played some tennis - i missed tennis!

Then spent an AGE in traffic when he dropped me home :)

It was fun.

Outside the edges of the cordon you can see how fu... uhm... munted the city really is.

The Grand Chancellor Building! oh wow!!

Not expected to start tech till the 28th of March...

I wanna start now!


I think they're taking it off site too... Which sucks BIG TIME!

Oh well...

Watch this space...

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