Polish Drugs

It all started with a sore throat on Tuesday night during my Polish lesson. Ironically we were talking about ailments and illnesses. It degenerated throughout yesterday into all manner of flu-like symptoms and I struggled through the day at work and finally called it a day at 4pm. I was home in bed by 4.30, with a hot forehead but shivering with cold, so I wrapped myself up in several layers and woke up four hours later feeling horrendous. A broken night's sleep followed and this morning I was aching all over so made the reluctant phone-call into work from my sick-bed.

Fast forward 3 hours and I'm up! I've had a bowl of cereal and my lovely friend has just delivered the order of fresh lemons, vit c tablets, flu-strength tablets and throat lozenges that I texted her earlier. She's bringing me soup for lunch in a while as well. The fact that I am online suggests that I'm better and on a scale of 1-10 I would put myself at a 6-7 having been a 1-2 last night. But I wouldn't get any thanks for taking my germs into the office and so will hold off until tomorrow.

I'm recording this, in detail for my own benefit because I had a similar bout less than 8 weeks ago - I was knocked out for a good 36hrs and in bed the whole time.

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