Photo A Day 2008

By 2008photoaday

Red Ryder Dreams

Having been in the Military, a Outdoorsman and involved in Law Enforcement I have training in Firearms. While not everyones cup of tea- they are part of my life. I respect everyone's opinions; to each their own...

I have a good friend and have offered a few times to teach and show them responsible firearms knowledge and use. Today, I had the pleasue of taking two Dads and their two boys,

All were apprehensive and respectful of the afternoons events.

This is Matt, demonstrating and adhering to my Saftey First preachings. No silly shoot your eye out, or joking around here. This is not your kids Red Ryder BB gun. Matt, you did great- I am Proud of you and how your handled yourself on the Range...

All had fun, gained respect and understand the awesome power and responsibility to use these tools.

Photo A Day 2008

The upper right is the "brass casing" caught mid photo/mid air after being ejected from my Glock 26 9mm. (for those who might be interested)


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