Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Hanging out..

In the urgent care watching Olivia on moms netbook. We're in today trying to find out what's wrong. Wheezing, coughing, stuffy head, & itchy eyes.
I hope its not serious.

*got home at 4:30pm today, i think a total of 5 hours after we left..all in all not too bad. Diagnosis? A case of bronchitis & an upper respiratory infection (aka really bad head cold) His o2 levels increased enough after we were at the Pediatric ER. to say he was well enough to go home. they weren't so great when we'd gotten there, they'd actually fallen from when we were at the urgent care.
This little guy is a real trooper! even being so sick he didn't fight the doctors that much. behaved MUCH better than his brother or sister would have, and they're 6 & 8 respectively. even the x-ray tech told me he was really well behaved for a 2yo., telling me that most kids scream and fight the entire time makin it hard to get the pictures.

so yay, for him getting better. we follow up with a doctor tomorrow.

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