Wistful moments

By KathM


Ahh, this has made my day, it's the little things in life that make the difference. A bit of a changeable day weatherwise with a mix of sunshine and showers but i took a drive anyway and headed towards Stratford. I turned off into a random lane towards a village i'd never heard of and came across a little field of pregnant ewes and newborn lambs. I spent about 15 mins hanging over a metal gate, with my zoom set to maximum, waiting for two little ones to look at me when i heard a car in the lane brake sharply and come to a standstill. A man got out and i thought he was going to object to me taking pictures. However after introducing himself as the farmer he invited me to go into the field and take as many pictures as i wanted as long as i closed the gate after me. He even whistled them all over to come closer to me. What a lovely man. This little fella is only a few days old and wasn't at all concerned by my presence. I'm not so sure about mum tho. I was conscious of her beady eye on me the whole time so i didn't outstay my welcome!:-)

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