No time to waste?

By jt


Apologies for the very uninspired photo. After yesterday's very last minute posting, mainly due to my awful computer having a number of very long hissy fits, I thought I'd get this one done before heading out for the evening. Went for a walk as the dark clouds coming down the river from the west battled the glorious sunshine, which left dramatic skies. I missed them. Took about 40 photos - this was the only one left after my cull (no, really, they deserved it) and it's pretty shoddy.

Ah well. One of those days. Perhaps I shouldn't look for inspiration after being made very angry by a student....

The bluetits are still not co-operating (perhaps I should have used my nice bluetit shot yesterday). Though taking occasional advantage of the food while my back is turned. Took some long-distance shots of one of them sitting in a bush down the garden. He was mocking me, I know it.

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