High flight

By Nateo

Long Trip Home

This is my High School Class Ring.

I have not seen it since 2007. When I moved from Phoneix (PHX) AZ back to the Washington Area It go lost. This ring along with a number of other items was shipped back via Fed Ex.

Well it did not make it back here. Turn out it fell from the box and sat on the floor of the the Fed Ex building for over 4 years. On Feb 11 of this year Geraldo Benavidez, an employee at Fed Ex in PHX was walking the floor of the building he worked in and found my ring. He did lots of digging a found me via Facebook. After a few emails and a phone call or two the ring was at my house a few days later. WOW. Kindness of strangers still exists.

Thanks Send Geraldo Benavidez. I would say your one in a million. But I belive it this day in age its even rarer than that.


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