Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Boots Off!

... was the repeated yell to the scouts on our first night at the Valley Camp lodge.

This weekend is the annual New Scout Outing for our Scout troop and it also marks the first anniversary of Eric and I joining Troop 571.

In the past year Eric and I have been on 8-10 outings, including a week at Camp Easton on Lake Couer D'Alene in Idaho, a 3-day backpacking trip in the Cascades, fishing days, rifle & shotgun sessions, and the annual Iron Scout competion.

Eric has worked his way up to Second Class and only needs to complete the swimming test to complete the First Class rank requirements, and I have completed all the required training and service for the Assistant Scoutmaster position.

It's been a busy year with lots more adventure to follow...

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