Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo


....Sorry...cant make up my mind...just switched photos but its the same cutie :)

This little one is soo sweet. I would have brought her home with me if I had been allowed :) I need some baby photos for the new photo project Im working on and S. here and her mom were nice enough to let me come and take some photos - take photos, drink coffee and have a good catch up chat :) Very nice.

I have been watching the news a lot today and struck by how vunerable we are when it comes to natural disasters. I dont think I have contact with any blippers in Japan - but my thoughts go out to everyone there. What horror. The fact that it is only a few weeks after the earthquake in Christchurch seems to make it all the more shocking.

No more complaining about too much snow....

Lovely Friday here with afternoon coffee with friends - pizza with the boys, and now Erik has a friend over and we are watching Troll Hunter- a brilliant Norwegian film....I highly recommend it.

I wish you all a fantastic weekend!

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