
By lifeandstuff


fashion.... turn to the left..... etc etc

I was looking forward to blipping today, as we were styling hair at a fashion show. It was the biggest thing I have ever done, with the most models, and it was an honour to be asked. Finally, doing what I have always wanted to do.

As the weeks have gone on, my girls slowly have been unable to help me on the day, for various reasons, which wasnt too disappointing, but very stressful, as It was going to be a big job with three of us, but in the end it was just me and the little star.

As it turned out, we arrived at 1pm, and did not stop... until 9pm last night when I was finally able to enjoy a glass of wine. The day went BRILLIANTLY. I absolutely loved every minute. The hair all worked well, and we were backstage while the girls were going down the catwalk. I have never seen anything so hectic in my life. with 13 models, and eight clothes changes each, and a three minute window in which to change, lots of the clothes being fiddly, tight or uncomfortable. My God it was brilliant. 300 and odd people in the audience, and I stood there armed with kirby grips and hairspray. Skooshing and pinning the hair as it went skew wiff with the clothes changes. I will never see life as a catwalk model as easy again. I have seen the video today and My God you would never know what was goingon behind that catwalk stage.

I have worked for years for other people dreaming of doing this kind of thing. And I have done a few of them before. This was the biggest one yet. Afterwards I had a cigarette and a glass of wine, and I sat, alone, with a tear in my eye. I cant believe how lucky I am to be doing what I love, and to see our work up there really made me emotional. We did it. greater things have been achieved in other people's lives, I know. But I was happy with this little achievement for me.

Here is the organiser talking to one of the people from the sick kids hospital. Which is what the show was in aid of. He came up to me and asked if I could do the hair for the next season. I was delighted.

hope you had a lovely day! :-)

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