
By lifeandstuff

goodnight sweetheart

" I once had a dear old mama,
and she was good to me.
And every single morning, she sat me on her knee.
one night as I lay sleeping,
upon my feather bed,
an angel came to see me,
and told me "mama's dead"
I woke up just that moment, to see if it was true
and then I saw my mama was in the sky so blue
So listen children listen, and do as you are told,
for if you lose your mama, you lose a heart of gold"

My mum used to sing this to me every day. Thinking back it was possibly not the best to sing to a child, and we have a real laugh about it now. I have an amazing relationship with my mum. She seems to get stronger every day, and keeps me sane. I love her with all of my heart. Now, I sing this to my wee one, but I have changed the words so it is a nice innocent song about a dress that was red and a dress of blue, in the sad bits. :)

You might read my journal, and thing "My God, she doesnt do anything, she is so dull...she only ever talks about work or her kid" and that may be true, My life seems empty. Gone are the days of all day drinking, partying, rock and roll and sweaty clubs. Gone are the heady hazy days of sitting endlessly with huge groups of friends, playing tequila games and has now been replaced with days of children's parks and running round meadows and hearing stories of nursery and days out, whether the wee one has eaten all of her fish fingers, and "ooh she likes broccolli now?" But you know what? My life has never been so full. I didnt realise what life was about until now.

hope you had a wonderful day :-) x

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