just be

By justbe

Striped harbinger of spring

The Chipmunk

My friends all know that I am shy,
But the chipmunk is twice and shy and I.
He moves with flickering indecision
Like stripes across the television.
He's like the shadow of a cloud,
Or Emily Dickinson read aloud.

Ogden Nash

For Oliver & Co.

Five Furry Chipmunks

Five furry chipmunk we simply adore.
One hid behind a branch and then there were four.
Four furry chipmunks were climbing a tree.
One slid to the ground and then there were three.
Three furry chipmunks found an old shoe.
One crawled inside of it, then there were two.
Two furry chipmunks were chasing in the sun.
One got tired and rested, then there was one.
One furry chipmunk wanted to run - so,
ABRACADABRA! Then there were none!

Well I'm not shy, but this little one was. It's not my old pal Fyra, all toes were intact, but soon we'll be much better friends. Their shyness is short-lived, loading up on peanuts breaks the ice quickly. I'm hoping we won't see any ice until next year, but March in New England is very fickle, and April can play many mean tricks as well.


Morning thoughts

Thoughts and prayers to Japan.

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