
By Croz

Grab Shot

What a difference a year makes.. This time last year I was posting my United Colours of Poppy blip.. (see icon bottom right). I can't believe how much she has grown.

I'm trying to capture her essence. An image that encapsulates my daugther at this moment time. One I can look back on with her and tell her, 'this is how you looked a lot of the time.' I'm not that bothered if the image isn't as sharp as it could be, if it isn't perfectly framed, that isn't important to me.. As she walked by the window on this grey day in Germany and the muted light hit her face I managed to fire off three frames.. I liked this one the best... and she reminded me yet again how fortunate I am.. This afternoon at about 3:00pm, for the first time in months she fell asleep on my chest and she awoke at 4:35pm. It was a beautiful privilege to be with her and hear her relaxed and gentle breathing. Of everything I've experienced in my life nothing comes even close to fatherhood..

This image is dedicated to Poppy's Godmother on her birthday.. Priscilla, thank you for being you. All our Love, wishing we could be there at your celebratory meal.. Poppy, Cryno and Croz.

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