Roly's Life

By Roly

What A Day.

Technically today began with us falling into bed around midnight after getting "home" from the wedding, however that was followed by a whole 6 hours of unbroken sleep...

That was when the 5 children in the bedroom above us (in the lounge) awoke. To be fair they did all stay in the room but they were not the quietest of mice.

At 7 they descended to us and started playing on the Wii, with 3 more children hot on their heels. At this point I chose to steal a small child's sleeping bag and hide in one if their beds and managed to sneak in another hour's kip!

Once we were all up, dressed and packed we set off for our first destination - sausage sarnies at the Buckingham household - with our previous hosts still in tow. This brought the children count upto a lovely round 10 - this is them all above. We admired the piglets and chickens, bought some eggs and left...

Destination #2 was unplanned but as we drive right past their door we decided to call in to see the Oli family for a quick cuppa and a coo over their gorgeous little pug puppy...

Them on to the final stop off - Ben's mum has broken her wrist badly so we thought we would call in to cheer them up (and give the kids their tea). If nothing else, the Grandparents will appreciate now their quiet evening...

And at last we are home. The car in unpacked and a pizza in the oven. Time for this "quick" blip then bed.

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