
Freezing cold day. Desperatley needed a lie in so I put Jack in the book to be turned out. However hard I tried I couldn't have a proper lie in though because I kept thinking of all the stuff round the house and garden that needs to be done and feeling guilty for not riding Jack. Started to feel a bit overwhelmed about stuff. So I set to clearing out all tools and crap that belongs in the garage but always gets left in our conservatory by someone who shall remain nameless. Then I tidied the kitchen cupboards which was quite therapeutic before going down the yard where everything felt fine again.

Had my first riding lesson in about 10 years this afternoon on Lime and really enjoyed it. The instructor thought he was lovely and I've got lots of pointers to be working on now to try and get him listening to me and get him to work in a better outline instead of pootling about all over the place with his head in the air nosing at everything!

Felt strong enough to tackle the house work when I got home. Mike back late so we got takeaway and drank pear cider in front of the fire.

The pic is of the quarry that is a mile or so behind our house. I am not sure whether it is ugly or beautiful. We occasionally hear the machinery when the wind blows in the wrong direction but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Firstly the quarry maintain miles of footpaths that go round the boundry and plant lots of trees and secondly we know that the field behind our house will never be sold for building land because it would be too close to the quarry.

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