Sing along, everybody now!

Saterday was about Jaspers party in the Hague (backblip here): Thats close enough to Rotterdam for ease-of-travel, and there were some tickets (won?) around for "de Vrienden van amstel Live". So we went there ofcourse.

The concert is based on more or less famous dutch performers playing mostly some of their better known songs, and after a couple they do a sort of tag-team with the next band, often playing a song together. A bit a different crowd than my usual, but still it was great fun.

This shot is during some newer dutch performer called "Jeroen van de Boom", a guy that i didn't know, singin a song "1 wereld", a song i also never heard. Well, our little 4-person-crew seemed to be the only one....

We were a bit high in the stadium, so there'll be no great close-up shots later on, but i will publish some concert-shots ofcourse.

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