Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Ann's birthday

It's my owners birthday and the most exciting thing she has done today is go to the car wash. She's never been to a car wash before but wants to keep the new car (which we are now calling the 'collie trolley') clean (see 1st March blip). Her friend, Geoff (in this photo), came to resecure her parking post, which some idiot reversed into and knocked out of the ground while we were away. So, he went to the car wash with her. Then she made him a bacon sandwich. I thought if I sat right in front of him and gave him my most 'appealing' look he might give me a little titbit - he didn't.

Ann wasn't working today so we walked down to the office with some cakes for everyone. I love going to the office because everyone make a fuss of me.

Late afternoon we walked over to Carbis Bay to see Ann's friend Jan for a couple of glasses of wine. Jan owns a staffordshire bull terrier called Eric. Eric used to be my boyfriend but I haven't seen him for ages so we've drifted apart. Eric tried to jump on me which I didn't like. And anyway I've got my eye on a couple of younger dogs that I would like to be my toyboys!

Anyway now we're home - Ann's going to watch Coronation Street & Eastenders and I'm having a snooze in my bed.

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