
By grainybits

Nuclear Power

I took this to show that there is finally a debate starting in Ireland about our baseload, currently using coal (which kills between 10,000 and 30,000 peopel per annum) and ensuring Ireland continues to contribute to global warming.

We have a choice to make for our kids, condemn them to low value jobs (hence candlelight) not requiring quality electricity supply, or choose an alternative baseload such as Nuclear, or build a very large number of flooded valleys to provide hydro power.

In Ireland all options will be objected to, but we must make a choice and soon, if our kids are to find employment on this island.

Since taking this image, the horrors of Japan's earthquake and the reactor meltdowns have taken place, more than lilkely setting us back 20 years on Nuclear front, but the imperative to decide on a clean supply of baseload electricity remains.

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