
By Beagle1831

Thank you Mr. Cameron!

Not a good day!
We were informed today that two people in our department would be made redundant. We will find out whom by the 29th March. There are nine teachers in the department. By my reckoning five of which should be safe because of the roles they hold. That leaves me in a group of four. Therefore I have a 50/50 chance of being made redundant.
The most frustrating/ annoying/ worrying thing for me are the processes that now kick in. All the people in the department have to fill in this one A4 page form (see photo). We basically have to sell ourselves and justify our jobs! These pages will then be submitted (anonymously) to a small panel made up of some of the governors who will then make a decision who will face the chop based solely on this information. I find it really hard to swallow that my life could be completely turned on its head by this system. How a decision can be made on such a pathetic amount of information bewilders me. I doubt if these decision makers have any idea whatsoever about me, or the majority of the other people in the department, or what contributions in real terms any of us really make. I also question how much idea they really have about what really goes on in the school. In the 5 years I have been there I have only met a handful of them briefly.
Anyway, I feel a bit better getting that of my chest! I haven?t filled in the form yet, I don?t think I?m in the right frame of mind tonight. I still feel like I?ve been hit by a ten ton truck. Even though it?s been known for awhile that redundancies have been on the cards, until the reality that you may lose your job and the means of paying your mortgage and supporting a young family could be taken from you, it?s still a massive shock to the system.
Oh well, what will be, will be!
PS. Mr Cameron you are a bare faced liar. You said front line services, such as education, would not be cut. These redundancies are a direct result of ?stealth? cuts to the education system. I?m not saying this from a selfish point of view in that I may lose my job, (we keep getting told we all need to do our bit!) but from the point of view of that I believe that the quality of education in my school (and undoubtedly in many others). In my school, next academic year class sizes will increase, resources will become less available, building maintenance is going to be virtually nonexistent for the foreseeable future and there is going to be much less opportunities for the less able due to narrowing of the curriculum. Education standards will fall. These are not opinions, these are all facts. I could go on. I am passionate about education. This coalition seems hell-bent on wrecking it. Someone tell me how this is going to be good for the future of this country???

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