It just sort of clicked.

By shaunm

Night in the garden

Feeling a bit drained today... people complaining about things (that aren't my fault) but it gets me annoyed because they have no reason to complain and then I just feel fed up.

There was one thing that made me smile tonight though... we had a new skater at the club and she was feeling a bit self conscious so this pupil of mine (who's only 10) asked me if she should go skate with her to keep her company and to help her with stuff. I thought it was so nice that she had thought of that without being asked...

I was going to do my blip for spring today, but didn't feel like it when I got back home from work this evening. There was an interesting blip I saw in the kitchen, but when I went out to take it I didn't feel as inspired with it... so I went out into the garden and thought I'd see if anything caught my eye... I ended up putting my phone in the plant pot to light up the hyacinths from underneath... so I'm afraid it's almost a "that'll do" blip with a pinch of effort to try and make something of it!

oh and I've been adding in some back blips of photos I took last year... you can see them here. I'm going to keep adding some gradually...

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