
By lifeandstuff

Blood brothers.

I have no idea how to tag or link from my phone, I will need to sort it on the computer later. but here we have two of my lovely lovely blip friends, kryptomart and edisteve . I was lucky enough to have spent the evening with them. And in the middle, one of my bestest pals. I was also very lucky to have spent the evening with him, as we often do, going to the theatre. Tonight.. Blood brothers. I absolutely LOVED it. What a fantastic show. It has been going for years, and every time It comes to town I say I will see it, and never have. so I kick myself everytime I don't get around to it. So tonight I am very happy. I was warned there would be tears. Unfortunately mine weren't tears of sadness. At a crucial point in the show my bestest pal to the left of me made me giggle. Did I say crucial? Might I also add SILENT? all this emotion and tension in the place and his (hopefully) stomach decides to rumble, or something even more sinister, which I probably could have ignored had he not giggled first. So there I sat with my scarf in my mouth, shoulders wobbling, to the point where my two other pals thought I was sobbing. It was hellish. This lasted about ten minutes, I would calm myself down and then be off again. I managed to stay silent but God knows how. Wow. Still, wonderful show and well worth a look. that blood brothers eh? What a laugh! Thanks guys! Had a great night!

hope you had a lovely day! :-)

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